When invited to the Oct. 17th Gubernatorial debate, Rick Perry denied acceptance until the release of opponent Bill White's 1990's tax returns. Is this

Friday, October 1, 2010

Re: For Todd Staples

Texas, more so than other states, comes from an agricultural background. Our foundations were in farming and agriculture, not industry and mechanics like some of our northern brothers and sisters. Despite our movement away from our traditional means of existence, we do still see a need for the Texas Department of Agriculture. It is no wonder as election day approaches, that people are beginning to wonder about the future of this agency. The Houston Chronicle gives Todd Staples their continued support for Commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture. To understand why, however, let's highlight a few key things the Texas Department of Agriculture is responsible for.

The Texas Department of Agriculture:
-is responsible for monitoring fair produce rates at the grocery store
-is responsible for monitoring fair petroleum/gas rates at the pump
-is responsible for regulating pesticides that may be used on produce, or in the home
-is responsible for administering free and reduced breakfast's and lunches to children in Texas public schools
-is responsible for organizing and implementing a program in public schools to help fight childhood obesity
-is responsible for maintaining and building our $105 billion agricultural sector (the Agricultural sector makes up about ten percent of Texas' total economy)

It makes sense for the Houston Chronicle to support Todd Staples based on his previous shining record. Despite his Republican leanings, Staples seems to genuinely fit the gig.

Todd Staples Credentials include (but are not limited to) previous experience with small business as a private nurseryman himself. Additionally, Staples has background in Public Policy due to previous involvement in the Texas Legislature. Finally, he is the incumbent candidate for the position, so if nothing else, he has experience directly in the position.

My Thoughts: While I do agree that Republican Nominee for Commissioner of Texas Department of Agriculture, Todd Staples, does have experience that speaks for itself, I do feel that the Houston Chronicle's support is somewhat unfounded. The article For Todd Staples doesn't really delve into Staples' background with the aforementioned TxDoAg responsibilities. Furthermore, it doesn't introduce any of the potential weaknesses of the Democratic nominee for Commissioner.

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