When invited to the Oct. 17th Gubernatorial debate, Rick Perry denied acceptance until the release of opponent Bill White's 1990's tax returns. Is this

Friday, November 12, 2010

re: Casting Call

Atrocity! I must agree that it is shenaningans like this that lead many to voter apathy. I must confess my agreeance with the sentiment that I don't much care for the local politics, as it seems to me, they are becoming more and more a pocketbook liner. What I mean by this is that our elected officials, particularly at the State level (or at least these are being brought to my attention more so than National issues), are abusing their 'power' as a means to a financial end.

This is another example of the influential grip of power: people assume and acclimate to a certain lifestyle. For example, a politician who has been in power, likely wants to maintain if not expand their power? Is this idea not presented, and even glorified in our Texas History classes (Manifest Destiny: 2010, 'To Spend, or Not to Spend?')? It seems that everyone is willing to make drastic concessions to cushion themselves. It is very sneaky how Barton generated and accepted his own raise. What will they think of next? For me, at least, this kind of behavior is reminiscent of the wacky spending of the Legislators, though I must thank Shay Powell for correcting my misinterpretation of the Legislators spending tax dollars. The taxpayers do pay the salary of their elected officials - Barton chose to lie, poorly at that, about his pay raise. Barton is furthering the disparity between the elite and the bourgeoisie, and refusing to evidence properly his choices. Lying to your constituents is stupid.

As for the "High Noon" meeting. We live in a time of [supposedly] highly civilized political organization. It's a nice guise to return to something so 'invested' as coming to speak to one's constituency. That said, the public seems to represent our modern day Gary Cooper. Barton is Frank Miller in our minimovie. The standoff is between the folks of Kyle and the man who needs to answer to them. The spin is, Barton is the devious one, and must defend his actions against the people rather than defending the citizens against misfortune.

Finally, the "Slush-Fund Accounting:" this was a new term for me, and is definitely a new point of personal interest. I think it's insane, albeit very clever of Barton and his campaign, to inflate an estimate on one project of public interest, only to use the 'saved' funds somewhere else. What better way to kill two birds with one stone, right? Wrong. I am suspicious that this is a devious means of enacting projects and works that his private supporters are vying for.

I leave you with this:
"Knowledge is Power." "Power Corrupts." Is "Ignorance Bliss?" Some voters might think so.

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